• Our solution is a method of raising additional funds to expand the country’s health and care systems without relying solely on taxation to do this - a UK-specific health funding 'top-up'.
  • It is an incentivised, dedicated HEALTH FUND, operating alongside the NHS as a distinct, self-funded entity. (Health Mutual is the original name given to position this solution and make the case for the UK introducing a top-up).
  • It is publicly-owned and not-for-profit.
  • It will increase the funding for health without raising taxes, and give access to immediately available additional capacity.
  • Participation is entirely voluntary; contributors make monthly contributions into this ring-fenced fund, based on their age. In return for this commitment, contributors have the option of receiving medical care via the independent sector, using either NHS private patient units (PPUs), or private hospitals.
  • By diverting this activity via the top-up, the NHS resources, capacity and money otherwise required can be directly invested in the NHS in order to increase and improve front-line care.
  • It is easy to understand and use. Monthly contributions have been devised to provide known contribution certainty for as long as individuals choose to be in the fund.
  • It protects the UK’s preferred healthcare model – a publicly owned, publicly funded, single payer system, free at the point of use.
  • It creates a platform to engage tangibly and directly with contributors about their health and wellbeing; ‘whole population health’ and prevention also a key NHS priority.
  • It’s designed to encourage longer term thinking and greater personal ownership of individual, potential future health and care needs.
We know that the NHS will not have enough money to continue to act as it does over the next five years.......any changes to how the NHS is funded or the amount of money it receives will be up to the Government
— NHS Five Year Forward View, October 2014